
Top Five Thursdays: US Travel Destinations

I've had a serious travel bug lately. Being on a totally different coast means a totally new set of places to go visit that wont take seven hours to fly to. HB and I have been thinking about taking a long weekend away soon, so here are (in no particular order) the top five places I'd love to visit. 

5. New York City

Can you believe that HB has never been to New York City??? I haven't been for years, but there is sooo much history and culture there. I can't wait to visit the New York Museum of Natural History again (I remember the African Animal room like it was yesterday). 

4. Louisiana

I really want to go to Louisiana. Not only do I want to check out New Orleans to eat, drink, and have a good time, but I really want to visit all of the old plantations there. Some of the most beautiful plantations are in Louisiana!

3. Outer Banks
Since we moved, I've been having serious beach withdraws. I miss the beach more than I miss some of my friends. The outer banks is supposed to be gorgeous AND relaxing. 

2. Savannah

I've been pretty obsessed with the south lately. Since moving here I've been reading as much about the south as possible, from antebellum history books to the Sweet Potato Queen books. Savannah seems to have everything a person would want - southern charm, next to the coast, and history. 

1. Chicago
I don't really know why I want to go to Chicago. I have no idea what I would do there, no idea what any of the sights to see are. But I do know that EVERYONE I know that has ever lived there LOVED it. 

What are your favorites? Go link up at the Perfect Compilation Tape. 


  1. I have to agree with your #1, since it's my city and all:) Ha!

    A lot of people have mentioned the Outer Banks, too! I need to look into this!

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. New Orleans was fun. : )) andy went to Chicago and loved it too. Love you
